Premise vs. Cloud Telephone System – a true cost comparison

Premise vs. Cloud Telephone System – a true cost comparison

If you are considering a new telephone system for your business, there is a good chance that somewhere in your research you are going to be encouraged to look at a cloud-based VoIP solution. Market research suggests that cloud VoIP or UCaaS (Unified Communications as...

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Windows 7 End of Extended Support

Windows 7 End of Extended Support

January 14, 2020 will mark the end of extended support for Windows 7. According to NetMarketShare, 42.39% of windows users are still running Windows 7. If your organization is still utilizing PC’s running this operating system it is time to prepare for your migration...

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Save Money on Carrier Services

Save Money on Carrier Services

Over the past six years as AT technology has grown our telecommunications division, we have attempted to meet with every customer. Invariably some customers are more responsive than others. In the past eight weeks, we have met with several long-term customers and...

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Office365 Pros and Cons

Office365 Pros and Cons

Over the last few years, there has been a lot of discussion on Office 365. Many businesses can potentially benefit from this software model but at times, there is not a clear understanding on what it is, how it works and what benefits it can provide. I wanted to...

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